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Transmission repair Broken Arrow | here to help you

Transmission repair Broken Arrow | A well oiled machine

This content was written for the garage auto repair

The garage auto repair able to provide you affordable prices and excellent care to keep your car in tip top shape. We provide transmission repair broken arrow services, for any client or future clients in the broken arrow Tulsa area. Did you know that more than 90% of failures in your automatic transmissions are the result of fluid contamination and overheating? You’ll be able to help prevent these issues from happening in your vehicle, so please just give us a call at (918) 806-2709 and we can tell you how.

Most people don’t remember or even know to get automatic transmission fluid services. By not having regular automatic transmission fluid services on, it can cause of many shifting problems. The usual transmission dream and the service only takes about 40% of the contaminated transmission fluid out. Which means it is leaving the rest trapped inside the valve bodies inside the transmission cooler lines. You transmission fluid is able to loosen up that gunk, so contact us today at garage auto repair to set up your transmission repair broken arrow service.

By allowing all of that gunk and harmful month that gets kicked up from the dust of your car, it will deposit harmful furnishes that will cause shifting issues and potentially transmission failures. So when you have a replacement of an automatic transmission system done, it usually runs you about a minimum of $2000. So if you are needing a new transmission, and you don’t think your car is worth putting in that much time, effort, and money into fixing a car. It may be better for you to go purchase a new one. We all know that purchase of them you are anywhere between five and $100,000. So allow us to help you, and give us a call today! We are so excited to meet you!

That is why it is so important to have transmission repair broken arrow services regularly done. Along with oil changes a transmission flush service will keep your engine running in tip top condition. It will also prevent any extreme problems from right in your car. You can use our transmission flush service on a regular basis to make sure the survival of your vehicle is going above and beyond what you expected. Our automatic transmission flush service is able to eliminate 95% of your contaminated fluid. We use a specially designed to chemicals that eliminate the dangerous harmful varnish deposits.

The time to be able to extend the life of your transmission, has one of our flesh services done today, and we will be able to do it at 10% less than what our competitors are willing to offer you. If you have any questions you can go online to our website, or just give us a call if you’re at (918) 806-2709. Our service mechanics are so experienced, and has all the knowledge and skill set behind an accurate automatic transmission flush service. We want to smooth out any hard shifting problems as well as extend the life of transmission.

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