Call Us (918) 806-2709 3325 S Aspen Ave, Broken Arrow Hours: Monday - Friday 7:30 AM - 6 PM **3-Year 36,000 Mile Warranty On All Repairs (Includes 50% Rental Discount. Call for details)

Broken Arrow Engine Repair | start driving again soon


Here at Broken Arrow Engine Repair we are ready right now today to fix your engine. We are absolutely certain that we are going to have everything we need to repair your engine and have you back on the roads ASAP. We have over 20 years of amazing experience being a repair shop. We are absolutely sure that you are going to see all the amazing things we’re going to be able to do for you through the work that we are going to be able to do for you when you decide to choose us here. You are absolutely going to wish that you reached out sooner.

When you choose Broken Arrow Engine Repair you were not just choosing a repair company. We offer a wide variety of other services as well. That is going to include batteries, brakes, check engine, light engine oil, change, timing, belts, transmission, repair, and so much more. You are absolutely going to be able to get everything taken care of and in a timely manner like you are wanting. Our fill of expertise is very expensive and we absolutely trained and all things vehicles and we are ready to get yours fixed today.

We will show you all of the amazing things we can do for you here at Broken Arrow Engine Repair. Each time that you come to us and you do receive a different service than the last, you are going to see that we are a very wide range of companies and we do have many things to offer you each and every single time that you need something. We make ourselves available and knowledgeable so that our clients can use us for multiple things and they are able to trust us with each and everything that they do come to bring us to.

We have over 80 years of experience combined within the shop. We are absolutely sure that this is going to satisfy all of your concerns and questions. We are absolutely sure we’re going to do the best job each and every single time. You are never going to be disappointed with the work that we are going to be able to do for you. It’s going to be absolutely amazing each and every single time.

if you are needing to come into one of our local shops there a rapidly please do not hesitate to call this number here to see if we have some amazing timeslots open available for you today that number is going to be 918-806-2709 You can also go on our websites as all the other services that we do have the offer that website is going to be we are going to be able to do the best job that we can each every single time for you. All we need is just for you to trust us.

Broken Arrow Engine Repair | we can and want to help you

That is a promise we make here to every client here at

Broken Arrow Engine Repair as availability open today to get your car in so we can get you back on the road and running again! Are you ready to get started over with us today? I think the obvious answer is yes after you hear about all the amazing things that we are going to be able to fix you absolutely are going to choose us every single single time for any car repair needs that you might have, not just the engine. We can do much more than I am. Am going to tell you all the amazing things that we are going to be able to do for you.

Expertise includes a long list of things that we are going to get your attention because we are sure that one of these things is going to be on your to do list. What about battery brakes checking engine light engine oil changes? All of these things we do know how to work on here at Broken Arrow Engine Repair. and not only are we going to make sure that we do the best job every single time we are going to guarantee that we are going to fix exactly what is wrong and make it all better.

Would you highly recommend that you do go read all of our amazing testimonials that are going to be on our website for us here at Broken Arrow Engine Repair. we want you to understand. This is absolutely going to be you after the service that we provide for you because you’re going to be so happy and satisfied that we were able to do all of the amazing things we said we were going to do and more.

With the combined number of 80 years of experience, we are absolutely sure that we are going to be able to solve all of your problems with whatever car problems they might be. You do have a trusted company that you can turn to. We are that Company for you. We hope that you do trust in us and you recommend us to all of your amazing friends and family for all of their car needs as well. We are going to be that company every single time.

if you didn’t have any more questions, please do not hesitate to call this number here this is going to be our shop number one of our well-trained representative is going to be able to answer any and all questions that you might call and ask that number is going to be 918-806-2709 you are also going to be able to go onto the website here to reach out to us and we will get back to you as soon as possible with your demand. We understand that when your car is broken, it is like your life has stopped so we want to make sure that we are able to get your car back on the road so you can get your life back going again.

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