Call Us (918) 806-2709 3325 S Aspen Ave, Broken Arrow Hours: Monday - Friday 7:30 AM - 6 PM **3-Year 36,000 Mile Warranty On All Repairs (Includes 50% Rental Discount. Call for details)

Broken Arrow Engine Repair | The Repair Shop You Can Trust

Broken Arrow Engine Repair | the repair shop you can trust

It’s hard to imagine a world without cars, but once upon a time having your own automobile seems like something only the could have. Today this is not the case, everywhere you look cars, motorcycles, buses. You could probably count the number of people that you know without a car on one hand. Having a place that you can trust to take care of your transportation is of the utmost importance. We know that searching for the right place for Broken Arrow Engine Repair can seem like a daunting task, but we are here to help you.

Originally Kwik Kar of Broken Arrow, we were purchased and transformed into The Garage Auto Repair with the hopes and desire to give the community a repair shop they’ve always deserved. We know that owning a car can cause some anxiety because of all of the uncertainty in what needs to be fixed when. We know that when you are looking for the best Broken Arrow Engine Repair, are not only looking for someone who is going to finish her car correctly, but also a team is going to put you first.

You no longer need to be a car guy to make sure that your car is taken care of by the repair shop with out any unnecessary adjustments or additional services. We make sure that we are giving you an honest diagnostic on your car and only fixing what is needed. It is important to us to keep your best interest at heart and make sure that your car is running at the top of its game. Together we have over 80 years of combined experience in working with all types of vehicles, therefore we are confident that we have what it takes to be able to overcome any obstacle or problem you may have with your vehicle. We have your best interest in mind when we are working with you.

While we hope that you will never have to search for Broken Arrow Engine Repair, sometimes it is inevitable. The check engine light comes on, or if you need an oil change, our team will know exactly what needs to be done to fix it right the first time. We know that your vehicle is one of your largest investments and we want to make sure that it is running in pristine condition at all times.

We will not waste your time or money when servicing your vehicle. We have been in your shoes, where the other mechanics will do anything and everything to try and get you to pay for something that does not need to be done right away. We know that most people dread going to the repair shop, but we strive to provide you with an experience that will leave you confident that your car is running at top-notch. So you can give us a call at (918) 806-2709, visit, or stop on by today to schedule an appointment with us.

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