Call Us (918) 806-2709 3325 S Aspen Ave, Broken Arrow Hours: Monday - Friday 7:30 AM - 6 PM **3-Year 36,000 Mile Warranty On All Repairs (Includes 50% Rental Discount. Call for details)

Transmission Repair Broken Arrow | Use The Garage For Your Next Visit


to ensure that your transmission lasts for years to come.

How do I get a quote for Transmission Repair Broken Arrow?

You can get a free quote from us by sending your vehicle information to us at

Once we receive

Transmission Repair Broken Arrow is the best mechanic in Oklahoma City and throughout the Permian Basin. Our team has the knowledge and experience to repair damages to your transmission system.

How do I know this?

We have worked on many different types of transmissions.chiefly, wheel hub transmissions, but alsohmmer, manual transmissions, and automatic transmissions.

Using the right tools and understanding how your transmission works, you can keep your mobile life in check.

When you’re in a car, you rely on the professionals who maintain the roads  to know when you should be on the move. Similarly, when you’re in a transmission, you rely on the professionals who work on your car to know when you should be thinking about getting moving.

Without official guidance, however, things can get messy…and expensive.

That’s where we come in.

At Transmission Repair Broken Arrow, we understand that the price you pay for a transmission is a lot more than it should be. That’s why our team has developed a range of pricing strategies to help you understand how much a transmission should cost you.

From there, you can make an informed decision about how much you’re willing to spend  on repairs.

What should I expect from a transmission inspection?

A transmission inspection is a check-up that allows a mechanic to assess the condition of your vehicle’s transmission, wastes, and brakes. It reveals any problems with your power transfer system.

In addition to that, a professional transmission inspection will show you whether you need to replace certain parts of your transmission. A skilled mechanic will be able to tell you whether the part that needs to be changed is due to normal wear and tear, or if it needs to be replaced because of a design flaw.

What should I expect from a price quote?

Getting a price quote for your transmission is easy. All you have to do is tell us the year, make, and model of your car. Our team will do the rest.

How do I know this isn’t a canned response?

Getting a free quote from us is easy. All you have to do is tell  us the year, make, and model of your car. Our team will do the rest.

Unlike many other shops, we don’t use anyone else’s quote. When you come to us, you can rest assured that we’ll know the right price to charge you.

Why have there been no updates?

There are a few reasons for not updating your quote.

First, if your car has only had one previous owner, it may not need to be updated.

Second, if your car has been in a major accident, you may not want to risk having a new Transmission Repair Broken Arrow put in place until you completely rule out the possibility of interference with your current one.

And third, if you are buying your first transmission, you may not feel like spending much money on it.

These are some of the reasons that many people feel their car is “sold” even though it has only been used for a Visit us today at or give us a call at 918-806-2709

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